Birmingham & Bristol Therapy

Pet Bereavement Counselling
Counselling and Therapy for Pet Bereavement
Pets are often just as much a part of someone’s life as our human friends and the loss of them can affect us just as greatly. Our animals can provide us with warmth, love, companionship, someone to come home to, look after and talk to after a day at work. They give us a routine and structure that may be lost after they have gone. Sometimes well meaning friends or family may not fully understand the loss we feel and this may lead to us feeling isolated in our grief.
How therapy can help
Having the space to talk through these very natural emotions and work through the grief process in a supportive environment can often be helpful.
There is no right or wrong way to grieve the loss of a loved one, it is a very individual journey.
If you feel it would be helpful to speak with a therapist, please contact me
"When I lost Jack my beloved dog, no-one seemed to understand how I felt. Not long after my husband bought me a new puppy but it wasn’t the same. I didn’t want to seem ungrateful but I just wanted Jack back. Talking with someone who really understood and didn’t make me feel like my
tears were stupid was so helpful. I will always be grateful to Wendy for ‘getting me’ and finding a way through my grief’"
Tara 38 yrs
‘'I had never heard of counselling for losing a pet before but Sammy my cat truly was my best friend and I missed her so much after she died. Wendy really understood how I felt and was the only person I could talk to about it. Thank you for reminding me we are allowed to love our animal friends as much as our human ones".
Sally 67 yrs